
Why Do Your Gums Hurt?

Woman holding hand to face for sore gums

Do you wake up with sore gums? Do your gums bleed when you brush your teeth? Have you been dealing with oversensitive gums for a very long time?

Experiencing pain in the gums is irritating and stressful. And, unfortunately, it is not too uncommon. If you are dealing with sore gums, you aren’t alone. In fact, there are Downtown Los Angeles dentists with a specific focus on treating gum pain and health.

Acknowledging that you have gum pain is the first step in getting treatment, but before any issues can be resolved, it’s important to understand why they are hurting in the first place. Let’s go over some of the common causes and reasons for sore gums and gum pain.

Gum Disease

Also known as gingivitis, gum disease is a common reason for pain and inflammation. If left untreated, gingivitis can develop into a more advanced stage of the condition known as periodontal disease. Within the past decade, the CDC recorded that over half of American adults have a type of gum disease.

If it’s caught early and diagnosed as gingivitis, you can invest in a routine brushing and flossing practice to get rid of the symptoms. Your dentist may also prescribe a medicated mouthwash to help you clean out your mouth. If you have periodontal disease, you should seek the help of our periodontal treatment specialists.

Rough Hygiene

Cases of pain in the gums don’t always turn out to be as serious as a disease diagnosis. Sometimes, it’s just a matter of brushing and flossing too hard. You may have been taught that a good thorough brushing is the best way to stay clean, and that’s true, but it doesn’t mean that you need to scrub intensely around your mouth.

Try getting a new toothbrush with softer bristles, as they can get the job just as good as coarse bristles.

Plus, softer brushes are even recommended by the ADA for your hygiene and comfort.

Poor Diet

Crest lists a poor diet as one of the major causes of pain in the gums. This is especially evident when there is a lack of calcium in your daily nutrition, as it can cause the teeth to weaken, which in turn affects the gums. Likewise, a lack of Vitamin C can compromise your immune system, meaning that your gums can’t protect themselves as well as they might be able to if you had a C-rich diet. Try adding more vitamins and minerals to your daily diet routine so you can strengthen your teeth and gums against decay.


In some cases, you may be having an allergic reaction to a dental hygiene product or a certain type of food. It can be difficult to discover that you’re allergic to the toothpaste you use, but it very well may be the cause of hurting gums. An unknown food allergy can also cause the gums to be painful or sensitive.

The best way to find out what you are allergic to is to isolate certain foods or dental substances for one month at a time. That way, you’ll be able to find out what’s causing your gums to hurt. Keep track of the way your gums feel during this time so you know whether to rule out other possible causes.

Assess the Health of Your Gums ASAP!

When your gums are feeling painful or sensitive, there’s no time to waste. Holding off on treatment can cause some serious dental issues that will make recovery more difficult down the line. Whether you have gingivitis, or you just need to learn how to invest in a new hygiene routine, our expert dentists at Samaritan Dental Arts are here to help. To make an appointment with our gums specialists, you can contact us online or give us a call at (213) 986-2933. We look forward to treating your sore gums!

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